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Showing posts with label antenatal preparation. Show all posts

Top 10 Tips for Labour and Birth

The UK's Royal College of Midwives has put together a Top 10 Tips for labour ad birth, as part of its Better Births Initiative/Campaign for Normal Birth. It's a great list, so I'm presenting an abridged version, but you can also read it in full list with more details here.

1. Labour takes time
Try not to watch the clock. Remember that each contraction is one less to go before you have your baby. Stay at home as long as possible and try and keep busy.
2. Create a happy birth environment
Think about how you can create warmth, comfort and privacy in your chosen birth environment. Think about changing the room temperature, lighting or position of the furniture. Think what you might take from home to make the room more comfortable for you.
3. Stay active
Changing position during labour and keeping active can really help. Try swaying, rocking, or wriggling your hips, walking, and going up and downstairs. Use a birth ball or other means of support, like your birth partner/s or midwife that lets you relax but helps you remain upright and mobile.
4. Understand all your options
Another useful tool for labour and birth is having a good understanding about what might happen and how you want to deal with it. Find out as much as you can about techniques to help you with your contractions, for instance: breathing, using water, massage, a TENS machine, complementary therapies or hypnotherapy (hypnobirthing), as well as other medical forms of pain relief and intervention.
5. Ask for help or reassurance
It’s very normal for women to feel that they can’t cope at some point during labour (usually towards the end) so ask for help if you need it. You could ask for some time alone with your birth partner so that he or she can soothe and encourage you and you can also remind yourself of your birth plan.

6. Make a birth plan
It can help to write a birth plan with your birth partner(s) so you both know what your preferences and plans for birth are. On the day, your birth partner(s) can help remind you of your birth plan and also update the midwife on your preferences during labour.

7. Trust your body
Women’s bodies are designed to give birth and most healthy women can do so without major medical intervention. Try to ‘let go’ and allow your body to work with you and for you.
8. Choose the right birth partner for you
For some women, their partner is the best person to be with them during labour and birth, while others might choose a close female friend or relative or perhaps even an independent midwife or doula. Whoever you choose, it’s important that you feel comfortable with them, that you find them calm and reassuring and that they are someone you can communicate openly with.
9. Stay positive
Feeling strong, happy and confident releases endorphins and a hormone called oxytocin that actually makes your uterus contract strongly and regularly. This in turn will help to relieve pain and also help you achieve a sense of well-being. You will produce more oxytocin if you try and avoid feeling afraid, anxious, embarrassed or angry, and if you remain upright and have privacy and support.
10. Cuddle your baby close after birth
Your baby will have strong instincts to bond and breastfeed straight after birth. Cuddling your baby on your chest skin-to-skin (without clothes, towels or blankets in the way) will help your baby stay warm and secure, begin to bond with you by gazing at your face and start to breastfeed successfully. Your baby may turn towards your nipple and open her mouth. You may like to help her find your nipple. If you have a caesarean, your midwife can still help you have skin-to-skin contact and breastfeed.

RCOM videos about positions for labour and birth